Our school uses PickUp Patrol for parents to report absences and communicate dismissal plan changes. Notes, emails or phone calls will not be accepted for changes, except in emergencies.
RETURNING PARENTS: Please enter and confirm your students default plan here: PickUp Patrol by Tuesday, September 3. For a safe dismissal, it’s essential that we know your student’s regular daily dismissal plans before the first day of school.
NEW PARENTS: You will receive a registration email by Friday, September 1 with a link to set up your account. The PUP web app is free for parents and you can use it from your smartphone or computer. Instructions for how to add the app to your phone are included in the registration email. Please register and enter your students Default Dismissal Plans by Tuesday, September 5. You will need to register before you can enter default plans. If you do not receive a registration email, please contact mjradonic5547@staidanschool.org to have another invitation sent to you.
Thank you for using PickUp Patrol to make safety a priority and to ensure our dismissal process is efficient for all our students.
If you already have an account you do not need to register again.
Once you have logged in, YOU MUST CONFIRM YOUR CHILD’S DEFAULT DISMISSAL PLAN so that they can be accurately dismissed. Once this is set, this will be how your child is dismissed UNLESS you go in on a given day and make a change that differs from the DEFAULT plan set for that day. Please make sure you confirm your Default Plan. You can set a DEFAULT dismissal plan for your child(ren) but if that changes, you need to make the change on a given day. We no longer need notes or calls to school unless there is a change after 1:45 PM.
ADD PICKUP PATROL TO YOUR PHONE’S HOME SCREEN. The PickUp Patrol app is free for parents and IS NOT available in the app stores. For easy access, add this link https://app.pickuppatrol.net/parents to your home screen. For instructions for your particular phone, click HERE.
In addition to reporting your child's dismissal procedure, if your child is ABSENT it must be reported as well and will be chosen as a change to the default setting. ABSENT should not be chosen as a default setting. In the drop down of dismissal choices, ABSENT, is included for when your child(ren) are absent.
If your child(ren) needs to leave early, please choose EARLY DISMISSAL. Please, update this by 10:00 AM.
If your child(ren) walk home or are picked up by a designated person, please choose WALKER/CAR.
If your child(ren) attend the After School Program, please choose AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM.
If your child(ren) is an 11:30 Nursery student, please choose PICKUP NURSERY 11:30 AM.
If your child(ren) is in Nursery or PreK and does not attend school every day, please choose NURSERY/PREK NO SCHOOL on the days they do not attend.
If your child(ren) take a bus home, please select the SPECIFIC bus they ride.