Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year at St. Aidan School!
Parents Acting for Catholic Education, more commonly known as "PACE," is a school parent volunteer organization. Our primary goals are to promote school community spirit and provide fundraising support to St. Aidan School. All fundraising and donations go directly to the school. Membership is open to all St. Aidan School parents.
We are looking forward to a great year and have so many fun things planned. Please join our PACE meetings to learn more about the events and our organization - these meetings typically take place virtually the last Tuesday evening of each month.
If you would like to volunteer or learn more about the PACE Board roles, please contact us at [email protected].
You can also volunteer for one of our spirit or fundraising events using our volunteer sign up link:
PACE Volunteer Sign Up
Follow us:
Facebook: St. Aidan PACE
Instagram: staidanpace
President - Danielle Nefouse
Treasurer - Julia Werther
Coordinator for Spirit & Social Events - Aliete Milone
Coordinator for Fundraising Events - Allison Virgilio
Vice President of Upper School Class Coordinators - Shauna Rossano
Vice President of Lower School Class Coordinators - Danielle Klimek
Secretary - Rich DiLorenzo